The first high-level computer language, specially designed for mathematical operations.

British airways still use IBM360s for their booking system.

``He'' should be read as ``he or she'' throughout the book.

The / indicates the top level or root directory as the 1#1 does in DOS.


Change Directory

Path of Working Directory

This means: hold the CTRL key down while typing the c key.

MaKe DIRectory

ReMove DIRectory


We tell the computer that our input has ended by typing CTRL-D. This is the standard way of telling UNIX our input has ended.




This will only work with the bash shell, but not with the csh shell.

CHange MODe


CHange GRouP

Gnu Regular ExPression search

Remember redirection uses the '<' and '>' symbols to indicate the direction of data flowing to and from the file.



Line Printer Queue

Line Printer ReMove

Line Printer Control

csh uses nearly the same commands except that the ' =' is replaced by a space.

This works for bash and csh. In addition bash also accepts '.'.

Suns are often only supplied with olwm or olvwm

Some modern telnet programs can work this out themselves though. Try checking the display as above.

Also note that at and crontab work slightly different on different systems.

DEC's UNIX also allows you to specify now instead of a time.

Mark O. Stitson
Wed Sep 25 10:45:32 BST 1996