- The first high-level computer language,
specially designed for mathematical operations.
- ...system
- British airways still
use IBM360s for their booking system.
- ...to
- ``He'' should be read as ``he or she'' throughout the
- ...this
- The / indicates the top level or root directory as the
1#1 does in DOS.
- ...ls
- LiSt
- ...cd
- Change Directory
- ...pwd
- Path of Working Directory
- ...CTRL-C
- This means: hold the CTRL key down while typing
the c key.
- ...mkdir
- MaKe
- ...rmdir
- ReMove DIRectory
- ...rm
- ReMove
- ...directory)
- We tell the computer that our
input has ended by typing CTRL-D. This is the standard way of telling
UNIX our input has ended.
- ...mv
- MoVe
- ...cp
- CoPy
- ...ln
- LiNk
- ...output
- This will only work with the bash shell, but not
with the csh shell.
- ...chmod
- CHange MODe
- ...newgrp
- NEW GRoup
- ...chgrp
CHange GRouP
- ...grep
- Gnu Regular
ExPression search
- ...redirection
- Remember redirection
uses the '<' and '>' symbols to indicate the direction of data flowing
to and from the file.
- ...fg
- ForeGround
- ...bg
- BackGround
- ...lpq
- Line Printer Queue
- ...lprm
- Line Printer ReMove
- ...lpc
- Line Printer Control
- ...bash
- csh uses nearly the same commands except
that the ' =' is replaced by a space.
- ...source
- This
works for bash and csh. In addition bash also
accepts '.'.
- ...implementations
- Suns are
often only supplied with olwm or olvwm
- ...use
- Some modern telnet programs can work this out
themselves though. Try checking the display as above.
- ...up.
- Also note that at and crontab work
slightly different on different systems.
- ...HH:MM
also allows you to specify now instead of a time.
Mark O. Stitson
Wed Sep 25 10:45:32 BST 1996